Level 3 is the highest level of certification in the CAN/CGSB 48.9712 Nondestructive Testing certification scheme. A level 3 certification is needed for any procedure sign-off in that specific method, and every company must retain a corporate NDT Level 3 as part of their company's written practice.
NDT Level 3’s have extensive knowledge and experience in various NDT methods and can perform audits to ensure compliance with industry standards and specifications. They are responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining NDT programs and writing procedures to ensure the quality and integrity of materials and components.
Our CGSB/SNT level 3 is certified in four methods: radiography, ultrasonics, magnetic particle testing and liquid penetrant testing. Our level 3 is highly experienced and offers quality level 3 audits in Grande Prairie, the Peace Region, and throughout Alberta and BC. We use the latest technology to ensure you get the information you need. With 15 years of NDT experience, our level 3 has audited for the industry’s biggest players and strictest client specs.
Call us today, and see if we’re a fit for you.

Why use a Level 3 Auditor?
Level 3 Auditors can audit NDT service providers, suppliers, and manufacturers to ensure compliance with industry standards and specifications.
Auditors play a critical role in ensuring the quality and integrity of equipment, structures, and pipelines. They ensure that NDT methods are performed correctly and that the results are accurate, reliable, and comply with industry standards and specifications.
Our NDT Level 3 provides valuable auditing services to ensure the quality and integrity of the NDT inspections performed at your job site. Our expertise and experience in various advanced NDT methods make us proficient in any inspection method you throw our way. From conventional radiography to phased array UT, TOFD, and AUT, no job is too big or small in our capable hands.
What are the Uses of Level 3 Auditor Auditing Services?
Level 3 Auditor Services have various uses, including:
1. Quailty Control:
Level 3 Auditors can perform audits to ensure compliance with industry standards and specifications, including NDT testing procedures, to ensure the quality and integrity of materials and components.
2. Safety:
Level 3 Auditors can evaluate NDT personnel to ensure their qualification and certification to perform NDT testing and inspections, which helps to ensure safety and prevent accidents.
3. Cost Savings:
By identifying and addressing potential issues early, Level 3 Auditors can help prevent costly equipment failures, downtime, and other associated expenses.
4. Compliance:
Level 3 Auditors can audit NDT service providers, suppliers, and manufacturers to ensure compliance with industry standards and specifications, which helps to ensure regulatory compliance and prevent legal issues.
5. Reputation:
Maintaining a high standard of quality control and compliance can enhance the reputation of any company.
NDT auditing services are critical in ensuring the quality and integrity of materials and components. They help to ensure safety, prevent equipment failures and downtime, and maintain compliance with industry standards and regulations.
By performing audits to the highest standards, our Level 3 Auditor can provide your company with valuable insights into your NDT programs, procedures, and personnel, helping you improve your operations and maintain your reputation. Most importantly, by ensuring the quality and integrity of your product, our Level 3 Auditor can help prevent equipment failures and downtime, improve safety, and enhance your company’s reputation.